"The mother's heart is the child's school-room" Henry Ward Beecher

Friday, July 9, 2010

Mother/Daughter Tea Party Fashion Show

Marge Barton with granddaughter, Megan.

Mariah Carlsen wearing a chic dress and hat from the 20s

At the home of Mary Ann Updike, the American Mothers met for a delightful Heritage Fashion Show and Tea Party. Included in these pics are: Savannah Barton as a French artist, Megan Barton dressed in her grandmother's 50's gown, Kenzie Barton modeling a 70's outfit, Annie in a 90's evening gaown. Emma Carlsen is modeling a lovely 1890's outfit, Mariah Carlsen is wearing a chic dress and hat styled after the 1920's. Anna Stratton and Kaitlin Vasquez are wearing sporty casual clothes of 2010. Alyssa Oliveros in a cute pleated skirt and blouse worn by her mother when she was 4. Marge Barton, Pres of the Texas American Mothers, narrated the fashion show.

Savannah Barton dressed as a French artist

Kenzie dressed in a 70's outfit

Annie Updike dressed in a 90's evening dress

Pres. Barton narrating the fashion show.......